Jun 16, 2017, 5:00 pm–9:00 pm
$40Who would have thought that the life of a rather egotistical immigrant from the 18th Century would become a cultural phenomenon of magnificent proportions? But here we are with the life of Alexander Hamilton in full view and throngs of enthusiasts supporting this incredible, Broadway production. As it turns out, the MOWT collection includes a coat owned and worn by Hamilton. So what better way to tie into our collection and education than a Hamilton event? Guests will enter to the music of the Broadway hit and costumed characters from the production. As they ride the elevator up, they’ll be transported back in time where our event room will become a 1700’s pub, with period food, costumed characters of the period, 18th Century music and the like. Fun and educational for all.
To purchase tickets via Eventbrite, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alexander-hamilton-lives-tickets-29059555914