Board Placement Speed Networking
Thu, May 6 · 5:30p – 7:00p
Find your best fit and put your enthusiasm and passion for the community to work by joining the board of a local non-profit.
After attending Board Placement 101, interested members are invited to Board Placement Speed Networking. You will meet local non-profits looking to fill positions on their boards. This evening is designed to connect nonprofits with compatible professionals that can serve the community through its board.
As a young professional, come prepared to discuss the skill sets that you can us to contribute to the success of an organization while on their board.
Join us for Board Placement Speed Networking. Register today.
All members interested in attending this Speed Networking event must have attended a previous Board Placement 101 event in the past 12 months. Registration will open at 8:00 am on April 23. Registration is required to attend this event. No walk-ups will be allowed. Registration will close two days prior to the event.
All participating nonprofits are listed at the bottom of this event as they confirm. We strongly encourage you to review their websites and social media, and come prepared with questions for each organization. Come with an open mind, because you will be meeting with all nonprofits in attendance.
This is a very structured event, and it is important to the overall flow of the evening that you join us no later than 5:30 p.m.
Participating Non-Profits

Arts Partners transforms young lives and learning environments as an expert in Arts Integration.
We are looking for… marketing, event planning, finance/accounting, and legal.
Find us on… Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Our mission is to provide programs and services that educate, connect, develop and advocate to improve the lives of the Down syndrome community.
We are looking for… accounting, event planning, and fundraising.
Find us on… Website | Facebook

The Mission of the Friends of the Wichita Public Library is to foster and maintain a community interested in books, cultural and educational materials and activities, as well as in the development of a public library facility adequate to serve the needs of the community. Increase and improve the facilities and services of the Wichita Public Library to enrich the cultural opportunities available to the citizens of Wichita and surrounding communities.
We are looking for… commitment to supporting libraries in our community, self-driven and eager to volunteer on committees or events as needed, communication skills and experience accomplishing goals within a group, and governance knowledge would be a plus but not required.
Find us on… Website | Facebook

HumanKind Ministries provides shelter, affordable housing, supportive services, and basic needs to those experiencing homelessness or poverty in Sedgwick County. Recognizing the inherent value of each person, we serve the most vulnerable with compassion and kindness and, in doing so, strengthen the entire community.
We are looking for… Finance Experience; especially experience w/ large scale fundraising, capital campaigning, etc., Media/Advertising/Marketing, Downtown Development, Connected into Wichita Mental Health, Substance Abuse, & Homelessness long-term planning, Faith Community, Racially/Religiously diverse communities, Locally-engaged, and HOT Team / Law enforcement.
Find us on… Website | Facebook | Instagram

To immerse visitors in experiences that represent life in Wichita from 1865-1880 in order to preserve and promote our community’s history.
Board Mission: Support the various volunteer organizations which participate at Cowtown and maintenance of the 20,000-piece artifact collection.
Find us on… Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Trip Advisor

StepStone responds to the critical needs of the survivors of domestic violence by providing supportive services and transitional housing to nurture lives of stability and hope. Our staff and volunteers are motivated by the God-given dignity of each person. StepStone is a collaborative ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph and the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.
Find us on… Website | Facebook | Twitter | Facebook
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