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Jun 20, 2015, 7:30 am3:30 pm


ENHANCE 2015 RESCHEDULED for Saturday, June 20!

Preregistration is now closed. Walk-ups are welcome. Please park at Cloud Elementary (1212 W 25th St N, Wichita, KS) and come to the check in tent. We will assign you to a home at that point in time.


Presenting Co-SponsorsCarlos_logo_MHK HutCon_logo_horiz_4c


The Enhance Community Project is an annual community service event which focuses on enriching the Wichita area while providing YPW members the opportunity to give back to the community. This project is a one-day event focusing on enhancing a specified area of the Wichita community through property improvements. On the same day, we coordinate a community celebration with family-friendly activities, lunch, and more.

In 2014, 145 volunteers made improvements to 6 different homes, completed one major project for the Downtown Senior Center, and worked with the ICT Army of Artists to install an art mural that can still be seen when driving west on Douglas in the Delano District.

2015 Enhance Project Description

For 2015, our goal is to work on 9 homes plus community art and enhancement projects with at least 200 volunteers! The date has been changed to Saturday, June 20 and we will be in the Evergreen Park Neighborhood in Wichita’s Sixth District.

Volunteer Information

Volunteers can sign up for a full-day (7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.), morning (7:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.) or afternoon (11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.) shift. All shifts include lunch and a volunteer t-shirt.

The Enhance Community Project will focus on providing property improvements to owner-occupied residences, publicly owned property, or nonprofit centers. The project tasks may include:

  • Improving landscaping throughout the designated area
  • Exterior facade improvements on homes
  • General cleaning up of the area including disposal of debris
  • Creation or improvement of a community space

Accompanying the neighborhood enhancement project will be a community interaction event to include activities such as:

  • Family and kid friendly activities (entertainment, games, etc.)
  • Neighborhood lunch
  • Interaction between members of the neighborhood and YPW


Media Sponsor


Materials Sponsor

Community Celebration Sponsor

Star Cor2pDavis Moore


House Sponsors

3TENColab-rgbDavis MooreDavis Mooresponsor_Emprise-Bank
INSIGHT Logosponsor_KOCHsponsor_Martin-PringleMorrisLaing_LogoSimmons Bank  + Nearby & Neighborly (primary-4c High Res)


General Sponsors

  • The Print Source
  • City of Wichita

Registrants of YPW events agree to allow YPW and its official photographer(s) to photograph them in the context of the event. Footage captured by the official YPW photographer may be posted on social media, shared with media outlets, and/or used in future print and electronic promotional materials. For questions or concerns, please call 316.268.1171 or email mforeman@wichitachamber.org.​


Jun 20, 2015
7:30 am–3:30 pm
Event Categories:

