Oct 1, 2016, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
La Bohème; the passionate, timeless, and indelible story of love among young artists in Paris, stakes its claim as the world’s most popular opera. At first glance, La Bohème is the definitive depiction of the joys and sorrows of love and loss; on closer inspection, it reveals the deep emotional significance hidden in the trivial things that make up our everyday lives.
For more information, please contact our Box Office
Century II Performing Arts Center
Concert Hall, 3rd Floor
225 W. Douglas Ave.
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: (316) 262-8054
Email: boxoffice@wichitagrandopera.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Performance days: The Box Office opens 1 1/2 hours prior to curtain time and is located in the theater’s box office.