Wichita: UnpredICTably Amazing

Oct 13, 2016 · Suzy Finn - YPW Executive Director

A compilation of the top 11 reasons a group of YPs from Sullivan Higdon & Sink think Wichita is unpredICTably amazing.

In an impromptu gesture, a group of millennials decided to take it upon themselves to help market the city of Wichita to other millennials through the form of an infographic they titled “UnpredICTably Amazing.” This group said they were tired of people bagging on their city and they wanted to show off how proud they are to call Wichita home. They chose to highlight their favorite aspects about Wichita that speak to them as young professionals. Their hope is that it will convince other millennials – from all over the nation – to look at Wichita differently.

The infographic debuted at the Pride-in-Place session (hosted by the Greater Wichita Partnership) Thursday, October 13, 2016.

The following Millennial creative teammates at Sullivan Higdon & Sink (SHS) came together as a group to demystify the idea that Wichita is not a city for young professionals:

We at YPW want to thank this group for sharing even more reasons to say #ILoveWichita.

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